History Of Saffron

History Of Saffron

a bit of saffron history

Saffron spice, long among  the world’s most expensive spices by weight, was probably first cultivated in IRAN or Greece. sativus is probably a form of cartwrightianus, that discovered by human cultivators selectively breeding herbs for abnormal long stigmas in late Bronze Age Crete. It slowly spread throughout much of Eurasia and was later brought to parts of Oceania, North America and North Africa.

 Its recorded history is testified in 8th-century BC Assyrian botanical treatise compiled under Ashurbanipal, and it has been used and traded for over three millennia.

saffron spice in Iran history of saffron | history of Iranian saffron | where did saffron originally come from

saffron history: AS a matter of fact Iranians were the first nation who farmed and consumed saffron thread. Saffron painting discovered on stone in a cave, which belongs to 50000 years ago in today Iraq .At that time Iraq was part of Iran territory . Beside, saffron farming was popular in Isfahan city in 10th century BC.

saffron played significant role in ancient Iranian religion so that nobles and elevated people dedicated saffron as  gift  and God worshipers used saffron for writing  the tenet of holy religion.

Saffron spice used for perfumery and pharmacy industry, In addition,  saffron usage in tea and Iranian foods was a common practice. Ferdosi  who is the writer of Shahnameh used  saffron word in his poem.

If you want to buy saffron online from Iran, we can help you.

Saffron spice in India: history of saffron | history of Iranian saffron | where did saffron originally come from

Saffron existence turn back to thousands years ago in India. Indians as well as iranains are interested in cultivating and consumption of saffron.  Historical research indicates  contradictory result about the existence of saffron in India. old documents indicates that saffron for the first time came to India by Persian kings, extended and cultivated by them.

Saffron spice in china: history of saffron | history of Iranian saffron | where did saffron originally come from

Historical witnesses   indicates that Mongols were the first saffron merchant to chaina! . Invasion of Mongols to Iran in 1219 A.D paved the way for sending Persian saffron to  china.

But in the other place saffron name came into “big plant” book. This Chinese book relates to the 1600 years  BC, it shows saffron existence back to many years ago before Mongols emperor. Probably at that  period saffron came from India to China and the process continued up to 3rd century A.D.

Saffron in ancient Europe:

saffron was royal spice in ancient Greece – Roman. And this golden time was between 8th century BC and 3rd century AD. At that era saffron thread  used for painting in roman and Greece palaces.  . In addition they used  saffron benefits  for curing  digestive disease and strengthening sexual power. Moreover, saffron spice used for perfumery as well. Pervasive usage of saffron increased in Europe up to  Roman emperor downfall. then cultivation of saffron decreased dramatically in Green continent.

saffron spice in classical Europe:

 In this era, saffron cultivation stopped due to Roman downfall , but when Moorish came into power  in Europe continent saffron cultivation started again. In this era Spain and Iran extended saffron in Europe which trade boosting  and continual wars  precipitated the process.

spreading pestilence increased the request and price of this valuable herb.  Due to saffron benefits for cure pestilence, this spice were became the center of people attention.

Saffron History

saffron spice in United States:

Americans cultivated saffron by Europeans, around 17th century AD  Germans due to church troubles escaped to the America and settled in Pennsylvania.then by coming saffron bulb in 1731 AD, this people started saffron farming, trading and development seriously.

saffron history
saffron benefits